Library Services:

Lending System

I. Library Card:

The Student’s University Number is the Library Card for the Students, while the ID is the Library Card for the Faculty Members and Administrative Staff.

II. Borrowing and Loan Policy:

  1. Lending Service is available for Library resources except for the items mentioned in Item (IV).
  2. Deanships, departments and libraries can borrow up to 20 books for 60 days without requiring a renewal period.
  3. The renewal of borrowed book/s is possible if the item is not requested by another beneficiary.
  4. Lending service is not provided to a beneficiary who has a record of late/ unreturned books.
  5. In the case of late return of borrowed books, the borrower is not allowed to borrow up for a double period of the delay time.
  6. In the case of Book/s damage or loss, the user has to replace an original copy of the damaged/lost item.
  7. If the damaged/lost item is a hardcover, the user has to provide an original hardcover copy replacement or pay the cost of the binding.
  8. If the user is unable to replace the lost item, He/she has to replace two other items that are determined by the Library.
  9. Lending services are not permitted for deferred or dismissed students.
  10. Books placed on the reservation shelf are not subject to lending.
  11. The Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/ Item at any time.
  12. Only the head librarian is authorized to grant the discharge of Liabilities’ Certificate.

III. Lending Procedures for External Beneficiaries:

Lending service is provided to external beneficiaries within the University's policy of cooperation and partnerships.

IV. Resources/ Items that cannot be checked out of the Library:

  1. References, dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  2. Periodicals.
  3. Scientific papers.
  4. Special collections, rare documents.
  5. Non-traditional information resources.
  6. Librarian recommendation upon the interest of the work.

V. Discharge of Liabilities:

The discharge of liabilities certificate is granted in the following cases:

  1. Change of the student's university number.
  2. Graduation.
  3. Termination of the contract of the faculty member / employee.
  4. Termination of services.
  5. Resignation.

Explanatory table:

# Beneficiary No. of allowed books Loan Period Loan Renewal Period
1 BA student 3 7 7
2 Graduate studies student 4 14 7
3 QOU staff 5 14 7
4 Deanships, departments and university libraries 20 60 -
5 External beneficiary 3 14 7